Analysing liquidity provision positions

This guide will show you how to view Merlin analytics on LP positions on DEX's such as Uniswap V3


Last Update a year ago

As a liquidity provider on Uniswap (V2 and V3), SushiSwap and Convex you can view analysis of your LP positions on Merlin. Merlin soon will have Curve and PancakeSwap integrated. Below is a snapshot of the investment in the pool, and further detail is provided in the following snapshot.

Merlin is able to extract details such as the $ value of the assets within the pool (as well as amount of each asset), the value of fees (in $, ETH and UNI) and finally the current value of the impermanent loss. As usual, Merlin’s accounting engine can track each transaction involved in the investor’s engagement within the liquidity pool, such as liquidity added, assets deposited and borrowed and more complex transactional information.

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